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adventure, first aid, wilderness first aid -

Prevention, assessment & treatment of heat emergencies in outdoor work & recreation settings TAUGHT BY DR. NATALIE BONTHIUS, EMERGENCY & SURVIVAL MEDICINE PHYSICIAN We would like to introduce you to our friends over at Survival Med. Survival Med was created by a group of physicians who saw outdoor enthusiasts come into the ER all the time with preventable injuries or sickness with just a little bit of knowledge.Committing multiple days to a Wilderness First Aid or Wilderness First Responder course is not feasible for everyone and some of us don't even have courses nearby.   If you spend time outdoors for work...

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adventure, earth day, environmentalism, global warming, history, love our plan, love our planet, outdoors, recycle, There is no planet b -

Written by Haley Cottey On April 22nd, 1970, millions of Americans rallied on the first Earth Day from coast to coast to demonstrate their shared value for a healthy and sustainable environment. Organized protests took place all over the country to protest businesses, factories and power plants that were polluting and contributing to loss of wildlife and wilderness. Those with few other commonalities stood side by side to show that our earth is for us all no matter our political, spiritual, or economic alignment. In 1969, Santa Barbara, California suffered from a massive oil spill which led US Senator Gaylord Nelson...

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adventure, Dallas, DFW, environmentalism, Exploremore, family, go outside, green therapy, hike, Hiking, Hiking trails, love our planet, nature, nature school, optoutside, outdoor school, outdoors, outside -

By: Haley Cottey Deep in the heart of the Oak Cliff community, you will find a beautiful green space perfect for a short escape into nature. Twelve Hills Nature Center's mission is “Cultivating conservation ethics through our Blackland Prairie restoration and nature education.” The space once was 5 acres of run-down apartments and thanks to a strong community effort, it has since been restored to its natural habitat. This 5 acre space now holds a beautiful brick wall entrance and a half mile trail around the perimeter that shows off the natural landscape and beautiful butterfly garden that is managed by...

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adventure, Dallas, Dallas Audubon, DFW, exercise, Exploremore, fitness, Fort Worth, fresh air, go outside, green therapy, hike, Hiking, Hiking trails, nature, optoutside, outdoors, outside, State parks, Texas -

By: Haley Cottey I often hear things like "I grew up in California and moved here a few years ago. There is just nothing to do here" and while I totally know where people are coming from and I have said this myself countless times about DFW, I have made it my mission to explore this metroplex and prove you can enjoy the outdoors even in DFW. Plus with the current pandemic, we are encouraged more and more to stay close to home. You can stay close to home and still enjoy unique outdoor spaces and have adventures! (If you want to make...

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