Are you prepared for this heat?
Prevention, assessment & treatment of heat emergencies in outdoor work & recreation settings
We would like to introduce you to our friends over at Survival Med. Survival Med was created by a group of physicians who saw outdoor enthusiasts come into the ER all the time with preventable injuries or sickness with just a little bit of knowledge.
Committing multiple days to a Wilderness First Aid or Wilderness First Responder course is not feasible for everyone and some of us don't even have courses nearby.
If you spend time outdoors for work or recreation, I strongly recommend any of their courses. I (Haley) have done many and they are full of important information that could save a life.
They recently launched their Heat Exhaustion webinar and it is great! Please consider checking it out. No one is immune to heat exhaustion and just basic knowledge can help a bad situation from taking a worse turn.
If you are an outdoor leader, I STRONGLY recommend this webinar and even the Wilderness First Aid webinar.
Check out the website by clicking here. They have made the courses VERY affordable and even at the affordable price, they offered us a 20% discount with the coupon EXPLOREMOREDFW.